Absol-Puter is not very active these days

We might someday put some links here of interest.

Our past work included software consulting services
with subject matter expertise in

One of our past software products, the X Remote Control user emulator, was particularly useful for measuring user-perceived interactive response time, and properly using all the capabilities of the patented XTrap server extension, and also using what was possible with the lesser but Consortium-approved Record extension.
Perhaps the new Claude AI could utilize a similar protocol and intelligently automate more tasks on X workstations, and learn to measure interactive performance?
Note: the XTrap patent seemingly facilitated the first Open Source release of software by DEC

One of our clients in the e-commerce business, iComs benefited from the deep detailed analysis of web browser status updates, too fast for the human eye, that the emulated user logged, which demonstrated superfluous web redirects during Open Market E-Commerce processes which we then got purged to facilitate performance improvement of customer e-commerce experiences for all iComs customers.

One of our favorite long term clients was involved with real time lightning predction on an Air Force contract to utilize Neural Network capability for prediction, to reduce the number canceled NASA Space Shuttle launches. So we were doing Cloud AI before it was popular, and before X was for twits.

Sadly our first major product development undertaking never materialized in a database driven auto-parts cataloging and point of sale system, but with all the excess hardware a lot of other projects got done.
And that put us at the right place and time to try out the new World Wide Web thing, with database dynamics and some e-commerce.

If you are looking for Absol.co.za or Absol Internet Business Solutions then click the link, or email Mac Anamourlis

While we are no relation, we share the same Absolutely good taste.